May 29, 2009

Who would you rather be The Beatles or The Rolling Stones?

Metric's new album Fantasies hit early 2009 and I must say it is excellent. Some of my fave songs include Stadium Love, Sick Muse, Help I'm Alive, and Gimme Sympathy. I really thought that Help I'm Alive was going to be their first single but they threw a curve ball and put out Gimme Sympathy. I love the video, great editing. Pretty sure Emily can actually play all the other instuments she gets around to and I just find that so impressive. Great lyrics in this song, I love the line 'Common baby play me something, like Here comes the Sun'. Ahh soo good, here's the video. Enjoy kids!

Peace xox

May 24, 2009

Tis the season

Camping season is finally upon us! I hope everyone is taking advantage of the beautiful weather out there, I know I am. On Friday, myself and four strapping young men, there was of course a fifth but he came and left so fuck him, made our way over to Twin Islands for the first Twins trip of the year. It felt great to get the first one under our belt. For once I didn't bring my 10 man tent so I had quite a small load compared to past trips. We had two 4 man tents which I was shocked to see up in no time at all (usually everyone is too gooned by the time we get there that I have a really hard time getting anyone to help with the tent). The boys brought up two pellet guns and at first I was a little uneasy because I didn't want to get hit, but once I learned how to properly shoot the damn things I was addicted. When we first got there I was betting that I was probably the worst shot on the island(we had the island to ourselves) and my first two shots proved me right. Then I decided it might be a good idea to actually learn to aim and that changed everything. I hit pretty well all my targets first try except this one damn can, but no one was able to hit it. We made a rule that once your done a beer you have to go put it in the forest as a target for later. I feel bad for anyone who camped in that spot after us because theres no way in hell we got all the cans from around the site. My legs were in pretty rough shape after our Harrison shit show and now they are probably 100 times worse, I bruise like a banana, but it was totally worth it! My only wishes for the trip that could have made it better were if Tara was there and I actually got to see the girl on her birthday, or Alexa, Jen, Rom, or Sarah were able to come.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish Tara a VERY VERY Happy Belated Birthday! I know were going to celebrate in a few weeks but it feels fucking weird to let it pass by and do nothing about it, I mean you did turn 21! Don't know what I'd do with out you by my side, you're the best friend a girl could ask for, thanks a million! Wish I could include the picture of us when we wore matching outfits to the Charlotte Diamond concert but I have no idea where it is and thats probably for the best.
Peace xox
P.S A tip to all the boys out there with guns. If a girl is complaining about you bringing it around on trips any what not, teach her to shoot, I guarantee she'll shut right up.

May 18, 2009

Out of this world

Probably one of the reasons I can't bring myself to try and make it as an artist is Damon Soule. To be honest I would rather spend my days surrounded by the works of artists like him than sit there and try to do my own shit. To have half of his talent would be unreal and that's not to say that there isn't a shitload of hard work that goes into developing those skills as well. On his website there are two t-shirts with prints of his work that I would kill for and some actual prints, anyone is allowed to suprise me and order me either, I won't complain. You need to click on the pictures to see them bigger it's the only way you can appreciate how amazing they really are. Great use of colour in the top one which also pays homage to Dali's Surrealism and the bottom is so morbid yet the cutest thing in the world.
Hope everyone had a great May long weeeked, I know mine was a complete gong show.
Peace xox

Wild beasts of art

The Fauvism movement is probably one of the shortest art movements of the 20th century lasting only from 1905-1907 but that doesn't mean it's any less kick ass. Les Fauves, translated means wild beasts in French, were a group of artists from Paris who liberated colour from it's descriptive function for expressive and structural use. Henri Matisse and Andre Derian are probably two of the most well known fauves but of course there are many others. I love this movement because of it's explosive use of colour and energy in each work. Here are two of my favourites from Les Fauves, the top is Henri Matisse Woman with the Hat and below we have Andre Derian The Dance. Hope you enjoyed the little art history lesson!
Peace xox

May 7, 2009

My Daddy's got a gun ga- ga- ga- ga- ga

Here's a video of an excellent song by an excellent band, Mother Mother preforming Hayloft. Thank you so much Lex for telling me to download them like forever ago. I couldn't find them at the time but some how managed to just recently and this is just one of the many songs thats making their way onto my playlists. Enjoy!
Peace xox